I haven't wrote a blog in so long. So that is going to change!
People don't really read this so i'm just going to use this as a little diary type thing. So there will be a lot of moaning and whining. My life isn't actually that interesting so this wont be interesting either.
So here it goes..
Recently i've been feeling really weird. Like i keep having really bad mood swings and such. For a few days i just sat in my room moping. I felt really sad like this isnt actually the life i want to live. And you know what, it isnt. I love all my friends and my family obviously, i loved my childhood so much! but to be honest i thought that i would be so much farther on by now than i am. When you want to be an actress you have to start a career young for it to work and to be honest the most experience i have had is youth theatre and college shows. So yesterday i emailed these people asking about open casting calls in Scotland and they haven't even emailed back! I dont even have an agent, making it like impossible to get work! i have tried to get an agent, but its so expensive! and you need headshots and an acting CV and everything! I did get headshots done a while ago, but that was when i had purple hair, and they are really bad! they look just like portraits, i would get no work with them anyway. You are supposed to show your personality through headshots, the most my headshots would tell you is that i am boring and normal. which im not. well im not very normal. There is this thing called sunday headshots in Edinburgh though! You get professional headshots for about £100, but i dont have that.
I need work!!!
Scotland has to be the worst place for actors. I am moving to London as soon as i'm done with college. Definately!
People, watch out for me!!
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Sunday, 14 March 2010
vodka? no thanks.
dead? yes i believe i am dead.
still hungover? if that is possible then yes. i am.
friday was fun.
*reminder to self* dont drink vodka.
well. i wasnt even planning on going out on friday, so when i did i thought it was gonna be terrible. i take tht back.
there were too many naked people. too many.
i was in KFC the next morning still drunk.
someone smoked all my fags.
good times.
good times.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
cry cry cry.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Have you ever had a random fake argument in the middle of a very busy Princess Street? I have. It was epic.
Me and my friend got really bored when we were walking to the bus station so he randomly turns round to me and says "omg. your pregnant???"
so. we had this argument.
so your pregnant?
yea, i thought i should tell you now...
well. get rid of it.
im not having an abortion! that is just killing a baby!!
i dont want it.
you dont get to choose!
so what are you going to do about college then?
we only have a couple of months left, ill go.
i dont want to have anything to do with this baby!
aw ok. so are you just going to fuck off on a train home the now and not come back!? ill just raise this baby without a dad. great plan.
well what do yu want me to do? think about me for a change.
think about you!? this is YOUR fault! YOU didnt want to use protection therefore this is YOUR problem too!
this is not my problem
YES IT FUCKING IS! you are a fucking arsehole
just fuck off. do you think your my mum or something?
NO i think im your fucking baby's mum tho!
and so on and so on...
this ran on for quite a while longer.
Me and my friend got really bored when we were walking to the bus station so he randomly turns round to me and says "omg. your pregnant???"
so. we had this argument.
so your pregnant?
yea, i thought i should tell you now...
well. get rid of it.
im not having an abortion! that is just killing a baby!!
i dont want it.
you dont get to choose!
so what are you going to do about college then?
we only have a couple of months left, ill go.
i dont want to have anything to do with this baby!
aw ok. so are you just going to fuck off on a train home the now and not come back!? ill just raise this baby without a dad. great plan.
well what do yu want me to do? think about me for a change.
think about you!? this is YOUR fault! YOU didnt want to use protection therefore this is YOUR problem too!
this is not my problem
YES IT FUCKING IS! you are a fucking arsehole
just fuck off. do you think your my mum or something?
NO i think im your fucking baby's mum tho!
what are you going to tell people?
im going to tell them im pregnant, what do you think i would tell them? yea mum, im just getting really fat!
im going to tell them im pregnant, what do you think i would tell them? yea mum, im just getting really fat!
your mum wont like it.
i dont give a shit!
where are you going to live when she throws you out? coz she will.
i have friends you fucking arse.
who are you going to say is the father? you cant tell people its me.
why not? because im not your girlfriend? because you have another girlfriend?
people cant know about us. my girlfriend would kill me.
i know. so maybe i should tell her.
oh very mature of you.
SHUT UP! im the fucking one pregnant here!! dont you think this is hard on me? im going to get FAT
and so on and so on...
this ran on for quite a while longer.
bare in mind most of this was shouted and there were a lot of people in Princess Street.
it was epic.
and then we had one about me sleeping with his brother.
i love random banters.
it was epic.
people kept turning and looking at us and giving us funny looks lol! we never once broke character until eventually we both just burst out laughing and i shouted "Well thats what being an acting student is like!!"
and then we had one about me sleeping with his brother.
i love random banters.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
diets just arent for me!
what is it with me and staying up late on college nights? I really need an answer. It's now 2am on a Monday morning and I need to be up for college in 3 hours. Oh the joys of early rises.
Well I've decided that, since I cant sleep, I'm going to spend a while planning out my own personal diet. For years I've always said that I will loose weight and get healthier, it has never happened. Actually the exact opposite has happened. I've got a hell of a lot fatter. Even as I write this I have a craving for mac n cheese.
Well, the diet plan;
Step one: STOP WITH THE MACCY D'S. all the time after college I always end up going for a mcdonalds with my friends. No wonder the weight is just piling on.
Step two: STOP SNACKING. the crisps are the worst...
Step three: start going to the gym. I went to the gym one time, and i absoloutly loved it, but i never went back...
Step four: just eat healthy. i cant do it...
Step five: just stop eating if this doesnt work.
anyone who knows me will know that eating healthy will be hard for me...
i will try...
Oh fuck it. im going to make some mini kievs.
have you ever tried them?
they are awesome.
goodbye wonderworld
Well I've decided that, since I cant sleep, I'm going to spend a while planning out my own personal diet. For years I've always said that I will loose weight and get healthier, it has never happened. Actually the exact opposite has happened. I've got a hell of a lot fatter. Even as I write this I have a craving for mac n cheese.
Well, the diet plan;
Step one: STOP WITH THE MACCY D'S. all the time after college I always end up going for a mcdonalds with my friends. No wonder the weight is just piling on.
Step two: STOP SNACKING. the crisps are the worst...
Step three: start going to the gym. I went to the gym one time, and i absoloutly loved it, but i never went back...
Step four: just eat healthy. i cant do it...
Step five: just stop eating if this doesnt work.
anyone who knows me will know that eating healthy will be hard for me...
i will try...
Oh fuck it. im going to make some mini kievs.
have you ever tried them?
they are awesome.
goodbye wonderworld
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Well isn't life fun?
Hola. So out of sheer boredom i've decided to post another blog. Honest to God who else but me would be sitting in on the computer at 2 o clock on a Saturday morning watching Snog Marry Avoid and craving sausages? Only me people, only me.
I've named my blog "Siobhan in Wonderland" and so far it doesn't really seem like I'm in wonderland does it? But really I am in my own personal wonderland <3
I heart my friends big time! They make my life what it is. And it is pretty fun, but this is the first weekend I've spent in the house in a while.
Live your life it's the only one you'll have (:
I've named my blog "Siobhan in Wonderland" and so far it doesn't really seem like I'm in wonderland does it? But really I am in my own personal wonderland <3
I heart my friends big time! They make my life what it is. And it is pretty fun, but this is the first weekend I've spent in the house in a while.
Live your life it's the only one you'll have (:

Ok, so it's Saturday afternoon and I'm sitting on the computer with nothing to do. I clearly have a sad, sad life. So I decided to start another blog. Even though I will probably be the only person to ever read it.
Today my little cousins came down to my house. Don't get me wrong, I love my little cousins, but they absoloutly torture my poor little dogs. My little puppy was actually shaking when they were trying to "clap" him. So he is now lying on my stomach as I type this. It's quite funny actually.
Well since my life is boring and I have nothing else to say, I think I'll stop writing this crap.
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